1Gbits Review: Cheap Dedicated Servers & VPS Hosting

Should you trust 1Gbits with your website or business? Read on to find out.

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In this article, we’re going to dive deep into what 1Gbits really offers. From technical details to real user experiences and the support on offer, we’ll help you understand if 1Gbits is the reliable partner you need in the digital realm or if your search should go on.

By the end, you’ll have a clear picture of whether 1Gbits is the right fit for your hosting needs.

1Gbits Review

Pavlos Giorkas

1Gbits logo


Great Hosting provider if you are lookint into dedicated servers or VPS Hosting. Really low prices compared to others, great uptime and customer support.


About 1Gbits: Who are they anyway?

1Gbits homepage
Screenshot from 1Gbits.com

1Gbits seems to be an important name in the world of hosting, offering a variety of services like dedicated servers and VPS hosting in many places around the globe.

They’ve hosting options in more than 20 data centers located in 15 different countries, which means they serve a wide range of customers. They use powerful servers that are set up with VMware ESXi, and they support both Windows and Linux operating systems.

I believe their focus on reliable hosting is clear from their network that links the US, Europe, and Asia with fast connections.

This network isn’t just about keeping things connected; it’s built to handle the demands for power, networking, and security that are key for colocation services.

By using strong traffic capacity and sturdy hardware, 1Gbits seems to aim for the best performance for all the services they host, including specialized game servers.

In my opinion, their strategy of spreading across various countries and focusing on strong infrastructure shows a deep understanding of what businesses and individual clients need from a hosting service.

The choice to support both major operating systems could also mean they’re trying to be as inclusive as possible, catering to a broader audience.

However, while their global presence and technical capabilities sound impressive, I think it’s also important for potential clients to consider the quality of customer service and the cost-to-benefit ratio when choosing a hosting provider.

😁 What I like about 1Gbits

Here’s what I like about 1Gbits:

Superior Speed Performance

Choosing 1Gbits as your hosting provider is, in my opinion, a smart move for anyone looking for fast website performance.

I believe that their use of fast SSD drives and a network of impressive data centers around the world really makes a difference. These drives allow for quick access and moving of data, which means websites load faster, making for a better experience for visitors.

I also think that their use of VMware ESXi hypervisors for VPS hosting is a good choice. It seems to me this setup helps in managing resources better, ensuring that the hosting service is both quick and reliable.

In my view, having a fast and reliable hosting service is key for a successful online presence.

Impressive Uptime Consistency

It’s important to note that 1Gbits does a really good job at keeping their service up and running almost all the time, which is super important for anyone who wants to keep their website or app available to users without much interruption. They promise a 99.99% uptime, which isn’t just a big claim.

In my opinion, it shows how reliable their setup is, with 20 high-quality data centers around the world. This kind of uptime means your site or app is almost always up, which I think is critical for any online business or service.

They use fast SSD drives and manage resources well to keep their hosting stable, which in my view, helps ensure that your online presence is consistently live and works well.

Advanced Security Features

1Gbits stands out because of its strong security features, which protect against DDoS attacks and unauthorized access, keeping your online assets safe. When we look closer, we can see that they use several layers of security.

These layers include firewalls and systems that detect intruders, as well as regular checks to find and fix weaknesses before they cause problems.

Additionally, 1Gbits watches over its systems all the time, quickly dealing with any threats to prevent them from affecting your work. T

his active approach to security, along with 24/7 monitoring, means your data is well-protected against new dangers.

Responsive Technical Support

1Gbits offers really good technical support that’s always there when you need it, providing help and smart answers at any time.

Their team is very knowledgeable and can solve complicated problems accurately. This means if you’re facing issues like your server being down, worrying about security, or figuring out how to set things up, you’re not left to deal with it alone.

Competitive Pricing Plans

Exploring the pricing plans, I believe 1Gbits stands out for being both affordable and open about its costs, offering a variety of server solutions with no hidden fees.

They’ve different pricing levels that seem to cover everything from small personal projects to big company needs.

Each plan appears carefully put together to include everything you might need, so you don’t end up paying more for basic features. I think this way of doing things builds trust and makes it easier to plan your budget.

Doesn’t charge setup fees

Another good point about choosing 1Gbits for your hosting needs is that they don’t ask for extra money when you sign up. This makes it easier for more people to get started without worrying about hidden costs.

In my opinion, this is a smart move. Setup fees can scare off people who are just trying to start a new project or small businesses that don’t have a lot of money. I think getting rid of these fees helps users spend their money on other important parts of their online projects.

To me, this shows that 1Gbits really cares about helping their customers save money and get started without stress. I believe this kind of approach is what makes a hosting service stand out.

Accepts Cryptocurrency

1Gbits stands out in the hosting market because it allows payments in cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, through a system called Bitpay.

This choice seems smart and up-to-date, meeting the needs of people who want safe, modern ways to pay. Accepting cryptocurrency means users can pay without sharing too much personal information, lowering the chance of fraud.

It also makes it easier for people from different countries to pay, without worrying about bank fees or currency exchange rates. I believe that by using cryptocurrency, 1Gbits is showing they’re thinking ahead.

They’re trying to appeal to customers who are comfortable with technology and want to use services from anywhere in the world.

Offering this kind of payment option shows they’re paying attention to what’s new and what their customers might want. Click here to learn more on how to buy VPS hosting with Bitcoin.

🤔 What I Don’t Like About 1Gbits

Now, here’s what I don’t like about it:

Limited Service Areas

Despite 1Gbits offering a wide range of services and having data centers around the world, their service areas are still limited, which may affect people in areas they don’t cover. If you’re in a place outside their service scope, you mightn’t be able to use their specialized hosting solutions.

This limitation is more than just a small issue; it could stop you from using their high-performance servers, especially if your business needs a local data center for legal or speed reasons.

In my opinion, although 1Gbits does a great job in providing quality and reliability through its current network, its limited service area could be a major issue for potential clients who need global coverage.

Doesn’t Offer Shared Hosting

It’s worth noting that 1Gbits doesn’t provide shared hosting. This detail is quite important for those looking for an affordable way to start small projects or businesses.

Shared hosting is cheaper because it allows many users to share one server, helping to cut costs.

But, 1Gbits chooses to focus on dedicated and VPS hosting, which may be more about performance and security than saving money. These options do give users their resources, but they can be more expensive and not suitable for everyone’s budget or needs.

As a result, people who need shared hosting might’ve to look elsewhere, which could affect 1Gbits’ appeal to smaller users.

In my opinion, while dedicated and VPS hosting have their benefits, the lack of shared hosting options could limit 1Gbits’ ability to attract a wider range of customers looking for more budget-friendly hosting solutions.

What Types of Hosting Does It Offer?

As you might have guessed – it’s not shared hosting. 1Gbits offers only dedicated serversand VPS hosting.

Dedicated Servers

1Gbits Review: Cheap Dedicated Servers & VPS Hosting
Pricing for 1Gbits Dedicated Servers

1Gbits seems to really understand what different customers need when it comes to dedicated servers. It looks like they offer a wide variety of options, which is great because it means they can serve both small businesses and larger companies without much hassle.

They seem to focus on keeping things straightforward and budget-friendly, which I personally think is very important. There’s no extra charge for setting everything up, which helps in planning your expenses better.

They also promise to get your server ready pretty fast, usually within a week. I think that’s quite impressive and important because it means your projects or business won’t have to wait too long to get started or to continue running smoothly after an upgrade or change.

Their claim of 99.99% uptime is something I find very reassuring. It seems they’ve a strong network across 20 data centers around the world, which likely helps with keeping everything running smoothly and quickly, especially with the use of enterprise SSD drives.

This kind of reliability and speed is crucial, in my opinion, for any online business or project.

Whether you’re in need of a server that’s managed by someone else or you’re looking for one where you can have more control right from the start, 1Gbits appears to offer customized solutions.

I believe this flexibility can make a big difference in finding a hosting environment that feels right for what you’re trying to achieve.

VPS Hosting

1Gbits Review: Cheap Dedicated Servers & VPS Hosting
Pricing of 1Gbits VPS Hosting Plans

After looking at the dedicated servers from 1Gbits, we’re now focusing on their VPS hosting options. These offer a wide range of choices for different needs and tech requirements.

From what I’ve seen, 1Gbits really puts effort into allowing customization and making sure every VPS hosting plan has its own resources.

They use VMware ESXi hypervisors for their VPS hosting, which, in my opinion, is a solid choice for keeping things stable and running smoothly. This matters a lot for keeping your hosted services reliable.

They also offer Remote Desktop service for setting up Windows VPS quickly, which I think shows 1Gbits cares about making things easier and more flexible for their users.

They promise 99.99% uptime and support for moving services over, which, to me, is pretty reassuring.

In my view, considering all these points, 1Gbits seems to do a good job at providing VPS hosting that can meet a variety of needs while keeping things user-friendly.

Support Experience

Knowing how important fast hosting is, we should also look at how good a company’s support team is to keep this speed up all the time.

1Gbits is known for having a helpful and quick-to-respond support team. You can get help any time of the day through live chat or phone, which means any problem you have can be sorted out quickly.

Their system for handling support tickets is really effective, with many users saying they got their issues fixed fast.

This kind of support is very important to keep websites running smoothly, which helps businesses grow.

People seem really happy with 1Gbits’ hosting services, and a big reason for this is the strong support team that helps keep everything running well.

1Gbits Review: Cheap Dedicated Servers & VPS Hosting
1Gbits Reviews about their customer support on a well-known hosting forum.

User Testimonials on 1Gbits

Reading through what users have to say, it seems that many people trust 1Gbits for their hosting needs because they’re reliable.

  • Customers talk about how easy it was to move their websites over to 1Gbits, and they didn’t have any problems with their sites going offline, which is really important for keeping their businesses running smoothly.
  • They say that the promise of 99.99% uptime is true based on their experience, with hardly any interruptions. This dependable service is thanks to 1Gbits having lots of high-quality data centers around the world, which means their servers work well no matter where you are.
  • When it comes to customer service, the feedback is very good. People are happy with the 24/7 support, saying the team is quick to reply and good at fixing problems.

From my point of view, this shows that 1Gbits really cares about making sure their customers are happy.

Final Words

In conclusion, 1Gbits stands out for its transparent pricing, quick server setups, and robust 99.99% uptime. While it impresses with global data center options and varied hosting solutions, some may find limitations in its offerings.

Speed performance and top-tier security are big pluses, bolstered by dedicated 24/7 support. However, weigh your needs against user feedback before committing.

For those prioritizing reliability and support, 1Gbits is a strong contender in the crowded hosting space.


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