Launches IO Token with Long-Term Tokenomics Plan

New Solana-Integrated Protocol Unveils Strategy for 800 Million Token Distribution.

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  • presents an expansive 20-year tokenomics strategy for its IO token.
  • Upfront creation of 500 million IO tokens to support network growth.
  • Token supply to incrementally reach 800 million through user participation rewards.
  • Reward rates to reduce yearly, with a focus on community holdings after final distribution.
  • IO token to serve as the currency in a GPU computing power rental marketplace.

Solana-based protocol has announced the launch of its new IO token ($IO) on April, 28th, revealing a 20-year plan designed to manage the token’s supply and distribution effectively.

Understanding’s Token Strategy

The platform outlined its intent to initially create 500 million IO tokens, strategically splitting these among various stakeholders like seed investors and core team members.

The aim here is to encourage involvement in the platform’s expansion. Over time, this number is reported to swell to a capped sum of 800 million tokens.

Given the particulars, the token distribution scheme appears to have a ‘deflationary‘ angle, starting with an 8% reward for the first year and slowly tapering off annually.

Importantly, over the years, as more rewards are handed out, the slice of the pie for earlier investors is expected to get smaller, leaving half of all tokens in the hands of the community post distribution.

The Ecosystem at a Glance

The IO Token is more than just a digital currency; it stands at the center of the platform’s universe, binding together various actors from GPU renters to token holders. aims to make computing power universally accessible and monetizable through blockchain technology. The IO Token encapsulates the value within this network of interconnected products and services.

In essence, introduces a novel model where computational power translates into currency.

This system supports a diverse array of activities around machine learning, all built upon a blockchain base, highlighting the strategic alliance with not one but two blockchains: Aptos and Solana.

The IO tokenomics reveal a considered blueprint for gradual growth of the ecosystem. The methodical increase and incentive distribution indicate a strategy anchored in fostering community engagement and ensuring the longevity of the network.

There’s an emphasis on aligning interests fairly amongst different stakeholders, suggesting a healthy balance between support for early backers and long-term engagement of users.

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