4 Things You Can Buy with Bitcoin

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Bitcoin was originally designed to be a simple peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Rather than have to deal with exchange rates, taxes and transaction fees, there are now a wide variety of popular platforms offering bitcoin currency – meaning if you invested long ago, you can finally treat yourself on your next shopping spree. 

To help you think of ideas on how to spend your bitcoin, we have got 4 suggestions you might not have considered.

A romantic vacation

Yep, a lot of people will quickly think that Bitcoin is just for dodgy dealings and the dark web. But thanks to its popularity, there are now plenty of holiday companies like Norwegian Air and Expedia all accepting bitcoin payments.

Everything from booking your flight, to choosing a five-star, luxury, once-in-a-lifetime hotel can be done with Bitcoin, so the world really is your oyster. Plus, since bitcoin transcends our standard currencies, you might find yourself with a cheaper deal when shopping for holiday packages in other countries.

Use a VPN to access the same deals in different countries to find out what promotions you have been missing out on!

So, whether you have always wanted to road trip around Europe or walk the great wall of China, it is all at your fingertips with the help of your cryptocurrency. 

Before you head to the airport, make sure you pay for parking! Though you cannot pay with Bitcoin, parkon.com promises the best prices guaranteed with any bookings made through them for airport parking. 

Gifts on Etsy 

While you might think of splashing your crypto cash on big-ticket items like a car or holiday, there are now everyday online shopping platforms accepting Bitcoin payments. One of which is Etsy. 

The platform started implementing the change in pretty niche categories (think creepy dolls, for example) but are looking to make it more widespread throughout their catalogue. 

So, if you have a gift in mind, or fancy buying up vintage home décor and handcrafted items, get tapping away on Etsy and see what you can find. 

A charitable donation

Whether you want to keep your donation anonymous or cannot think of a better way to spend you Bitcoin than to give a charity the money they truly need, there are several charities accepting cryptocurrency transactions now.

After all, it works in their best favor to take donations in any way they can! So, if you have got a kind heart or are looking for a bit of good karma, you can donate your savings to places like Wikipedia, or search Bitcoin for Charity to find other organizations to help. 

A flashy car

Of course, for all the niceties, holidays and gifts you can buy, there is also the option to buy yourself a new ride. Between Bitcoin holders the semi-ironic phrase “when Lambo?” has left people wondering when they will have enough for a new supercar. 

But even if you are not looking to sit on your savings till they increase in size, there is still plenty of more affordable but flashy cars on offer

Happy shopping! 

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