After many investors lost their money last year, the market was devastated, and many people did not believe in the growth of Bitcoin until it sharply jumped up to $ 8,000.
At that time, while the newcomers of the last year were actively selling their crypto, whales came to the market. Their purchases continued almost until the end of the crypto of winter and now they own a significant amount of bitcoins.
For example, the Grayscale fund is actively investing in cryptocurrencies; during this time, it managed to increase a rather large amount in Bitcoins.
At the same time, statistics show that the total number of Bitcoin addresses has increased and is steadily increasing. Of course, the higher the number of addresses, the more people are interested in cryptocurrency.
End of ICO
That ended the era of failed startups and those who wanted a quick profit “got it in full.” The market is now self-cleaning, new major players are coming: Gram (Telegram), GlobalCoin (Facebook), etc.
Investors become more careful with cryptocurrencies. They prefer to learn more about founders, what the team did before crypto, etc. And of course, if you are a crypto startup and want to get investment, it will be more difficult.
The growing interest in IEO (Initial Exchange Offering) also demanded that the exchanges study the projects before listing. After all, exchanges act as guarantors, and they have something to lose (at least their reputation).
Crypto market 2k18 vs 2k19
2018 was marked the next funeral of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Many ICO’s quickly sold Ethereum in the hope of getting at least something …
As you can see on the graphs, after the fall of interest in the ICO, the price of Ethereum went down. Moreover, Ethereum now has an excellent competitor — BNB.
Crypto Marketing
I would also like to note how marketing has changed. It is no longer possible to make fast some crypto channel/website and immediately sell advertising…no it doesn’t work anymore.
All marketing ICO agencies disappeared?♂️. Many crypto YouTube bloggers and other celebrities of the industry disappeared too, but as soon as the price went up, everyone remembered Bitcoin.
Bans…Large advertisers such as Google, Facebook, Twitter have banned the mention of cryptocurrency in their advertisements…however…
New Tools for newbie and professionals
And of course, professional investors brought tools from the stock market such as:
- Crypto indexes — CIX100 and Huobi10.
- ETF(Exchange Trading Funds)
- Trading bots(Be careful when you chose a trading bot).
In 2019, the new trend will be the professional tools of major players, because now the game will go according to their rules. It is possible to make considerable manipulation from their side to discriminate against a new market again.
Do not forget to diversify your crypto portfolio. Good luck!
Thank you for your attention!
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