Blockchain apps have been adopted popularly by some prominent industries due to its being a decentralized-designed technology. Furthermore, these apps eliminate the risks that could happen with data centralization. Testing for blockchain becomes all the more important today, providing scope for software testing tools to understand the emerging technology.
Various tests could be done during the different software development stages. The aim is to ensure complete test coverage and achieve blockchain application quality. As technology and processes continue to evolve, tools, such as testing tools evolve as well to meet the changing demands. What are the top blockchain application testing tools today? Let’s find out.
Blockchain Testing—what is It?
A digital data structure, Blockchain simultaneously exists in a lot of places due to its reliance on a peer-to-peer computer network. The data inside a blockchain is decentralized, which means that a copy exists on every computer within the network. Every blockchain addition could be seen across the network, with cryptographically-connected transactions to the previous one, which makes it difficult to perform fraud.
Blockchain testing, in short, is the process of testing a blockchain app to verify the functionality, performance, and of course security of the digital data structure. Furthermore, this kind of testing requires maintaining a secure testing environment while remotely working or onsite.
Major Types of Testing
1. Functional Testing. An integrated process that assesses the performance of various Blockchain functional components.
2. API Testing. This means that app programming interface tests that examine the interactions between applications under the Blockchain space. This kind of testing ensures proper formatting of API requests and responses.
3. Performance Testing. Helps in identifying performance bottlenecks and suggests ways to boost the system. It reviews if an app is ready for launch.
4. Core Blockchain Test. This should include API performance, functional, and node testing.
Best testing tools for blockchain applications
Testing Blockchain applications ensures quality and boosts test coverage. This helps in mitigating the risk of insufficient knowledge, which affects the process of software development. Here are five of the popular tools you can use to test your Blockchain applications.
1. Geth Tool

One of the most widely used testing tools for Blockchain nowadays. An Ethereum node implementation makes use of the Go programming language. The testing tool could be accessed via three interfaces, in particular, interactive console, command line, and JSON-RPC server.
After it’s been installed, users are able to connect to any existing blockchain in a convenient way or develop their own. Geth could streamline the process by automatically connecting to the main Ethereum network. It’s a command-line interface for implementing an Ethereum node in Go.
It helps to create contracts, mine real ether, transfer funds between addresses, do transactions, and so on. This testing tool is also supported on almost all operating systems, which include macOS, Windows, and Linux.
2. Mist Testing Tool
Another must-have tool for a Blockchain development company to have and use for seamless services. The most exceptional feature of Mist makes it one of the most popular blockchain testing tools. Users should ensure that the tool is installed properly before use.
The tool is compatible with 64-bit and 32-bit Windows versions, as well as 64-bit and 32-bit Linux and MacOS versions. Also a full node wallet, Mist is at present the best option in terms of smart contract deployment.
The Ethereum blockchain, which is 1TB in size, should be uploaded. Furthermore, users should bear in mind that remembering the Mist password is paramount since it could not be changed.
3. Remix IDE Tool
Ranking among the best in 2022, it’s one of the top-rated Blockchain testing tools today. The tool is browser-centric, which lets users build and execute smart contracts. Furthermore, it uses JavaScript and enables access from any browser.
The testing tool could address the functionalities of writing Solidity contracts, testing them, debugging, and deploying them. Whether to use it locally or via a browser, the choice is yours. The tool offers comprehensive and simple documentation, which facilitates easy connections to Ethereum via Metamask.
4. Solidity
Among the most popular software testing tools in 2022. It’s the most used language by developers of Blockchain apps. The foundation is based on Python, JavaScript, and C++. It’s carefully designed by taking into consideration the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

A great smart scripting alternative, the testing tool could also be used with the OOP paradigm. Moreover, Solidity allows a Blockchain developer to create applications that integrate smart contracts using self-enforcing logic. App developers are able to maintain an authoritative and immutable record of all transactions in the solution.
The apps are evident in instances such as multi-signature, voting, blind auctions, wallets, and crowdfunding. The functionalities include libraries’ support, complex user-defined types, and statically typed applications. Solidity is a great tool that allows compiling Solidity tools and implementing apps that are Solidity-based. It could either be used offline as a standalone module or with Ethereum nodes.
5. Truffle
Truffle, nowadays, is one of the most prominent competitors to the best Blockchain testing tools. It’s an Ethereum framework of Blockchain that enables you to deliver services that are based on Ethereum. Furthermore, it has a huge library that consists of custom deployments to support the making of new smart contracts.
It also addresses any problems that could arise in Blockchain development. Truffle could also be used to build complex Ethereum decentralized apps. Another major function of Truffle as a blockchain tool is automated contract testing. It could use Chai and Mocha for contract testing automation.
The Challenges in Blockchain Testing
Understanding of the Technology
Blockchain is a relatively new technology and to test it, it’s very important to understand it. Some considerations would include ways of fixing a defect that’s been deployed already as part of an immutable smart contract, in which regulatory compliances overlap the quality of the app. You should also take into account how to predict transaction fees and determine the right behaviour of an app if the fees and network volume unexpectedly increases.
Test Strategy Definition
Blockchain application is quite complex because you need to have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the technology.
Lack of Testing Tools
Testing apps that are based on Blockchain is all about tools. As per an application, choosing the right testing tool is one of the most important decisions a developer should make.
Size of Block and Chain
Block size and chain size testing is important since an app could fail without the right block size and chain size validation and make a false-positive verification.
Load and Performance
You need to do load testing to provide better insight into how the Blockchain app performs in real-time in real-word. Determine its scalability and find out the limitations.
Data security should be the most important factor in a Blockchain app, and to be honest, in just about any application. Keep in mind that even Bitcoin is not free from bugs.
Integration Testing
Testing should be done right and often. To ensure the proper integration of all components, integrating testing is performed.
The Relevance of Blockchain Testing
Within the blockchain technology are smart contracts, or sets of rules carried out via programming, which automatically are enforced when predefined conditions are met. Furthermore, it’s the enforcement of smart contracts that validates the relevance of QA testing.
A smart contract could never be changed once deployed to the blockchain, unlike most data structures. To avoid a mistake that could never be deleted, it’s up to the QA testers to do extensive quality tests. What to do when you discover a glitch in production?
Since the smart contract could not be rolled back or updated, never version of it should be created and deployed. And, new versions of existing smart contracts should be created manually by applying the previous data to the new one all over again. This definitely is a very expensive endeavor when it comes to money and time.
Bottom Line
Although Blockchain technology promises numerous opportunities and a great future, still, there are major debates about its adoption in the real business scenario. The feedback and scenario further reinforce the importance of Blockchain app testing. Organizations all over the world these days are looking for a platform that’s secure.
The technology should be transparently able to share information and create utmost trust as well. Blockchain is the solution to these challenges. Furthermore, it’s the answer to such understanding of the current app. Blockchain implementation is paramount since it helps determine the growth path and possible challenges.