BCH-Powered Paybutton Launches in Pre-Release

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BCH-Powered Paybutton Launches in Pre-Release

On Tuesday, Feb. 5, the well known Bitcoin Cash (BCH) advocate Soupernerd announced the pre-release and testing phase of a new BCH-powered payment button. At the moment the Paybutton.cash application will feature a simple payment button but there are plans to integrate other features down the line.

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Paybutton Developer Launches Pre-Release and Announces Testing Phase

There’s a new payment button called Paybutton.cash that allows people to easily send and tip bitcoin cash to content creators, services, and websites. The full release of the application is not complete yet but the developer known as Soupernerd has announced the pre-release and testing phase. Soupernerd says the Paybutton team is currently waiting for Badger Wallet updates before activating that as a payment option and there is more to be tested.

“Paybutton.cash is pleased to announce our pre-release launch and testing phase,” explained Soupernerd on the Reddit forum r/btc. “Host a paybutton on your site with just snippet of code and convert 160+ currencies to BCH live — [Paybutton] is fully hosted on Github.”

BCH-Powered Paybutton Launches in Pre-Release
The Paybutton.cash website.

The Paybutton creator explains that a lot of credit goes to the Bitcoin.com and Badger Wallet development teams for making the platform possible. Moreover, Soupernerd says the Paybutton developers have a few more ideas in mind that go beyond just a simple payment button. On the r/btc thread, Soupernerd describes a static badge concept which could be placed next to the BCH Zoo. Further, the creator shows images of a donation badge and mentions a concept called “Paybutton Carts.” “More on that later,” says Soupernerd. “We will keep the pre-release folders up, even upon new releases until further notice.”

BCH-Powered Paybutton Launches in Pre-Release
The creator of Paybutton, ‘Soupernerd,’ is well known in the BCH community.

Other BCH-Powered Button Applications in the Works

The Paybutton platform joins two other BCH payment button applications that are also in early development stages. The applications started spawning after Ryan X Charles removed bitcoin cash support from his Money Button project and decided to support the coin BSV. Following the Money Button departure, the team behind Badger Wallet has been working on refining a BCH payment button. Another competitor to the Money Button is the bitcoin cash payment API and button provided by Gateway.cash.

“Gateway.cash will be a Money Button competitor for bitcoin cash and is now released open-source — The project is led by Ty Everett and he is looking for contributors,” the Gateway.cash developer explained on Nov. 19.

BCH-Powered Paybutton Launches in Pre-Release
Examples of the current modal pop-up button and a preview of the static badge.

Giving Incentives to Website Hosts, Blogs and Content Creators Even if They Can’t Code

Soupernerd’s announcement on r/btc was welcomed with enthusiasm as BCH supporters are looking forward to a variety of crypto-fueled payment buttons. One BCH supporter proceeded to outline their vision of how payment buttons can transform the web.

BCH-Powered Paybutton Launches in Pre-Release
Paybutton’s donation widget preview.

“Looks cool. For those that don’t get the significance it allows anyone without programming skills to more easily accept BCH — For example, tons of people have blogs or various other web presences where they can post raw HTML for visitors to see,” the Redditor emphasized. He continued:

Without coding skills, if Rick wants to take $1.50 donations for his blog posts he can at best post his BCH address.

Soupernerd’s Paybutton code can be reviewed here, and a description of some of the HTML codes can be seen here. People can test the Paybutton with the pre-release page and wait until the full release is complete. “We’re working hard to finish the development and our target launch date is Q1 2019,” states the Paybutton website.

What do you think about Paybutton.cash? Let us know what you think about this project in the comments section below.

Image credits: Shutterstock, Twitter, Reddit, and Paybutton.cash. 

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Tags in this story
addresses, Badger Wallet, BCH Developer, bitcoin cash, Content creators, Cryptocurrency, Digital Assets, Digital Currency, Gateway.cash, Internet, micro transactions, micropayments, N-Featured, Payment Button, Soupernerd, tipping, Wallets, web, Websites

BCH-Powered Paybutton Launches in Pre-Release
Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman is a financial tech journalist living in Florida. Redman has been an active member of the cryptocurrency community since 2011. He has a passion for Bitcoin, open source code, and decentralized applications. Redman has written thousands of articles for news.Bitcoin.com about the disruptive protocols emerging today.


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