Application Penetration Testing for Mobile Devices

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As technology advances, hackers find new targets to attack. One of the most common targets nowadays is a mobile app. Portable applications often require providing certain personal info, such as your name, address, telephone, e-mail, etc.

This is something that hackers are eager to collect, which is why each app should be protected as much as possible.

Mobile penetration testing is a perfect solution for enhancing the security of your mobile programs. Hacken is one of the leading companies dealing with mobile pen testing and other security services.

Why do App Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing is highly important for mobile applications, as it reveals possible flaws in their design and security. If found before the app is released, these issues can be solved or improved.

Of course, it is possible to fix certain breaches even after each app reaches its user, but the losses that will occur in the meantime are often drastic. For this reason, it is advised to invest in pen testing of your applications during development.

Hacken is a great solution for your apps, as this company offers professional app penetration testing for Android ( and iOS programs alike. With the help of highly trained professionals, you can be sure that your app will receive the most thorough analysis.

After the testing is finished, you will receive a detailed report on each problem with the possible ways of solving them.

There are different stages to application pen testing as well. They allow checking all sides of the app equally to provide the best security. Some of the features that are tested include authentication process, input and output considerations, data leakage, etc.

Professional testers try and attack the app as hackers would in order to pinpoint all weak points. After that, it becomes much easier to improve the security of your app and fix certain problems.

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