Blockchain Boosts Security and Transparency in India’s Education System

Blockchain Technology is Transforming Education in India

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  • Blockchain technology helps prevent certificate fraud in India.
  • Digital diplomas on the blockchain ensure records can’t be altered.
  • Maharashtra and other states are using blockchain for educational certificates.
  • Blockchain makes verifying academic credentials faster and easier.
  • India’s New Education Policy supports the use of blockchain in education.

As India embraces blockchain technology to improve efficiency in various industries, the education sector has emerged as a leader, reshaping how academic data is managed. This change offers better security, transparency, and access to information.

Fighting Certificate Fraud

Traditionally, academic records stored in centralized systems have been prone to fraud and manipulation. Certificate fraud is a big problem, costing billions of dollars globally.

Blockchain’s decentralized structure ensures that once data is recorded, it cannot be changed. This prevents unauthorized alterations and falsifications.

In recent incidents, an assistant manager from the Indian School of Business Management and others were arrested for selling fake certificates, according to Indian news website The Hindu.

Similarly, in Kerala, a woman was caught issuing fake certificates to several institutions. These cases highlight the need for more secure systems.

Digital Diplomas and Fast Verification

Blockchain Boosts Security and Transparency in India's Education System

Blockchain not only secures records but also makes verifying academic credentials quick and easy.

In western India, the Maharashtra State Board of Skill Development partnered with LegitDoc to issue digital diplomas. Over one million digital diplomas have been issued, each with a unique hash that prevents forgery and protects privacy.

Using blockchain, stakeholders like employers and institutions can instantly verify the authenticity of qualifications.

This eliminates the long and tedious process of manual verification. Bharat Web3 Association Chairman, Dilip Chenoy, emphasizes that blockchain can make education more efficient and transparent.

Nationwide Adoption and Future Prospects

Institutions across India are adopting blockchain for academic records. Globsyn Business School in east India issues digital certificates, which can be accessed globally. This eliminates the need for physical copies when applying for higher education or jobs.

The National Institute of Technology (NIT) Kurukshetra has also started using blockchain to issue graduation degrees. These digital degrees are safe from cyberattacks and are easily verifiable worldwide.

India’s New Education Policy supports the creation of public digital infrastructure in education. This policy aims to ensure that technology-based solutions remain effective and up-to-date.

Blockchain technology is expected to continue growing in the education sector. Experts believe that a user-friendly interface and standardized protocols will be key to its widespread adoption.

As digital literacy improves, blockchain can further transform the way academic data is handled, making the system more secure, efficient, and reliable.


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