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Pavlos Giorkas

Pavlos Giorkas is a blogger and content creator with a passion for crypto, health, consumer tech and money management. He's been dealing with cryptocurrency since 2013 but didn't take action until 3 years later on 2016. On Bitnewsbot he covers the latest news in the crypto space.

Scientists Hope to Replicate Success Using Blockchain

It can be a dog-eat-dog world in the scientific community, and many think blockchain technology can help fix what some consider a crisis involving a...

Swiss Financial Regulator Launches Enforcement Proceedings Against envion AG

Although Switzerland has become a hotbed for initial coin offerings, the country’s financial regulator (FINMA) hasn’t taken kindly to violations of banking laws. Envion...

Venezuela Tying The Bolivar To Its National Cryptocurrency

In the midst of runaway inflation, Venezuela will print new money, removing five zeroes from the denominations, and tie its national currency to the...

Cryptocurrency Mining Apps Banned From Google Play

Google has prohibited applications that mine cryptocurrencies on devices.Cryptocurrency mining requires overwhelming electricity consumption, which has led to environmental concerns and worries about the...

Release Date Set For Next Wave Of Devcon4 Tickets

You've got questions. Deva the Devcon Unicorn has answers.Today, Deva the Devcon Unicorn took to the Ethereum Foundation blog to post an update on...

Delaware Governor Signs Batch Of Blockchain Bills

Earlier this week, Governor John Carney signed into law three bills that change the state’s corporate and trust laws to better accommodate blockchain technology.With...

A Snake In The Grass? The Controversy Over Cøbra And

Some in the Bitcoin community question co-owner Cøbra’s ability to ethically manage the website and are calling for the mysterious entity to step...

Fear The PowerGhost Cryptocurrency Mining Malware

It's estimated that hundreds of thousands of malicious programs are created every day. Kaspersky Lab has identified yet another serious cryptojacking threat, this time...

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