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Pavlos Giorkas

Pavlos Giorkas is a blogger and content creator with a passion for crypto, health, consumer tech and money management. He's been dealing with cryptocurrency since 2013 but didn't take action until 3 years later on 2016. On Bitnewsbot he covers the latest news in the crypto space.

An Old Grifter Learns New Tricks: Oil Exploration Company Receives Rebuke For Its ICO

The SEC has issued a cease and desist order to Tomahawk Exploration for launching an allegedly fraudulent token sale and for failing to register...

CoinFi’s Tam Bets Big on Cryptocurrency Trading Tools – ThirtyK

Former hedge fund trader Timothy Tam is betting his career on blockchain. Last...

Jamaican Stock Exchange To Allow Crypto Trading

The move could signal a desire not to be left behind as other Caribbean countries embrace blockchain tech.The Jamaican Stock Exchange (JSE) has partnered...

Ethereum’s Trinity Client Announces ‘Margaret Hamilton’ Alpha

Trinity hits a trifecta with its third major alpha release.Trinity unveiled the third major alpha release, v0.1.0-alpha.14, for its Python-based Ethereum client, according to...

Blockchain Gets Fruity: (Aspiring) FinTech Group Pursues Juicy Tech

A company recently unveiled its new fruit product, but it also engages in financial technology development. Is it normal to have a FinTech-fruit juice...

High Times Magazine Not Accepting Crypto During IPO After All

News business and financeEarlier this month, High Times said it’d be the first to accept digital currency in an IPO. Apparently,...

Blockchain Could Be Key to Unlocking Internet of Things – ThirtyK

Blockchain technology is far from ubiquitous, but the internet of things, or IoT, has permeated nearly every industry and sector. Analysts have estimated there would...

Vitalik Buterin’s Latest Consensus Algorithm Paper, Explained

A recent yellow paper by Vitalik Buterin simplifies and applies a 99 percent Byzantine fault tolerant algorithm for blockchains. ETHNews explains it in language...

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